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Hi we’re Hannah and Emma. Both of us live happily in sunny Los Angeles, California and we’ve been best friends since kindergarten. Although we both live our busy lives, we still always make time to see each other as much as possible.

Now what’s with all this chai tea business? Well, we can explain. Essentially it represents a bond between two friends. An ideal day for us would definitely include a trip to a sweet little coffee place where we would talk TV, music, life, and of course, blog over some chai tea with almond milk (Hannah’s iced; Emma’s hot). As odd as it may seem, chai tea has also made the bond between us closer if that’s even possible. For the most part we have the same taste in everything, but like most friendships we have our own individual preferences once in awhile. Hot vs. iced is just one of many examples. 

Our little tea dates are always something that we both look forward to. Our goal is for you to feel that same way about our posts. Whether checking this blog becomes a part of your routine or you just want to drop on by once in awhile for a little inspiration now and then, we'd love to have you.


Emma + Hannah

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