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Paper flowers have been on our craft to do list for a very long time. But for some reason, we never got around to making them. Finally, we decided to try them out, and they are easier to create than you might think. We did a little research before we started, to check out all the different ways to make the flowers. These methods ranged from using coffee filters to cutting each individual petal, but in the end we came up with a super simple way to craft beautiful paper peonies. Here's how to make a beautiful paper peony!

All you need is: 1 large sheet of tissue paper 1 small string 1 pipe-cleaner 1 roll of green floral tape (from your local craft store) Scissors


When you begin, fold your tissue paper so that it becomes four different layers that are still connected by the folds.


Cut between those layers that are still connected by the folds so that when you are done there are four separate pieces of tissue paper.


Then, fold it over so that one side is left uncut.


Cut the side of the folded layers that were left uncut so that you have eight separate pieces of tissue paper.


Lay out your pieces evenly on top of each other. Then, fold all of the pieces like a fan.


Tie the middle of the fan tightly with a string.


Set your fan aside and grab your pipe-cleaner and floral tape. Take your tape and wrap it as tightly as possible around your pipe-cleaner without damaging the shape of it. Cut off the excess tape.


Wrap the "stem" you just created with a pipe-cleaner and floral tape around the middle of your tissue paper fan. Then cut the ends of your fan into arrow/triangle shapes.


After you've attached your stem and cut your ends, spread out the fan on one side and peel up each individual petal layer. Do this on both sides.


Once you finish pulling apart each petal layer, take some floral tape and make a + shape as your base. Then, start to layer different pieces of tape on top of the base until it is filled up. Make a small hole in the middle of the flower base and stick it through the stem.


Voilà! Now you have a beautiful paper peony that you can either keep in a vase around the house or give to a friend you love. :)


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