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I can never leave the house without putting on some sort of lotion first. My hands, arms, and legs feel incomplete without it. Lotions come in all different shapes, sizes, smells, and even textures! That's what I love about them, there is such a variety. Right now I have four lotions that I'm really into right now (mostly because they smell amazing and make my skin feel like butter).

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Philosophy's Passion Fruit Daiquiri: This lovely lotion at first smelled mango-ish to me, but then BAM, the smell of passion fruit hit me! The tropical smell combinations transport you to your own private island right at home. I use this lotion mostly on my hands since the smell is too strong for my taste to be rubbed all over. But trust me, this lotion is a definite winner and must be purchased immediately!

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Pure Fiji's Coconut Infusion: You know when you smell something and you have a Ratatoullie moment and remember the taste of something else that reminds you of that smell? Well, that is exactly what happened to me with this lotion. It reminds me of when I drank out of a freshly sliced coconut in Costa Rica; the smell so subtle but powerful at the same time. I use this lotion on my legs primarily after I take a shower. The minerals in it make everything it touches silky smooth so I recommend getting a bottle for you or even a friend!

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Kiehl's Creme de Corps: We all need a spa day sometimes, but not all of us have all the time in the world to spare to make room for that. But, we can find ways to treat are selves in our own homes. This body butter is practically the definition of luxury, being that it's not called lotion, but BUTTER! The soy milk and honey smell is devine as well as the soft and almost fluffy texture of this "butter". Keep a jar of this by the tub and you'll be set for a spa day any day.

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Library of Flower's True Vanilla: This cream is the last but it's definitely not the least! I'm a super-fan of anything vanilla or woodsy smelling. I honestly wear vanilla perfume everyday (more on that another time)! So, when I found this lotion my heart practically melted. I am also a huge fan of Library of Flowers so this vanilla scent made me go crazy. I use this cream on my hands all the time and it never fails to keep them soft. This cream is a must-have and also makes a great gift!

As you have seen, I am a bit of a lotion, cream, and yes, butter freak! But what's not to love, it makes you feel as soft as a baby's bottom. And who doesn't think babies butts are soft? The point is I am a lotion lover and I am proud.

Hope you find or own a lotion that you love just as much as I love mine!


Emma :)

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