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With Thanksgiving just around the corner, it's officially pie season everyone! Once you have achieved that perfect crust (this recipe works best), you are bound to have a little leftover for some tartlets. These bite sized cuties are perfect for any occasion, from Thankgiving to any of the upcoming winter holidays. The recipe is even more wonderful since it's ridiculously easy! Check it out below.


Get out your supplies and ingredients. Then preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.


Use a baking spray (such as PAM) or to grease your mini tart tins, or you can use some room temperature butter. Dab them all with a paper towel so that they look shiny not foamy.


Roll out some of the pie dough after following the recipe above. Make sure it's about a 1/4 of an inch thick.


Gently press the dough into the tart tins. If any of them rip a little tear a small piece of dough and gently cover up the spot. Try not to touch the dough so much since your body heat is not good for the crust when it bakes. Then take a toothpick a poke a lot of small holes so that the crust won't rise in the oven.


Bake the crusts for about 22 minutes or until they are a light golden brown.


Dust them with powdered sugar, enjoy them, and share (or not)! ;)

Now here's the recipe!


A good sized chunk of pie dough

Cherry Preserves (you can use any fruit alternative)

5-6 tart tins

Baking spray or butter

Powered sugar (for dusting)


1.) Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

2.) Grease your tins with either baking spray or butter. Dab away excess butter with a paper towel.

3.) If your pie dough is frozen thaw it out, then roll it out (1/4 inch) when it's about room temperature.

4.) Cut a piece of dough a little larger than the tart tin. Drape the dough on the tin and gently press it in, pulling away the leftover dough. Then poke very small holes all around the edges and in the middle of the shaped dough so it will not rise.

5.) Bake the crusts for about 22 minutes or until they are a light golden brown. Let them cool for about 2 minutes and then tap on the tins carefully to pop the crusts out. After that, drop in a heaping teaspoon of the preserves into the crusts and bake for another 2-3 minutes.

6.) Finally, dust with powdered sugar and eat away!

And now you've just made yourself some lovely little tarts! Honestly, we'll take 100 since they taste that good. The ingredients are super simple, which is an extra bonus, and the outcome is beautiful. Hope you enjoy, au revoir!

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