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It has been quite a while since our last vintage finds post! Now they're back and more fascinating than ever. The ring above has been one of my favorite pieces of jewelry I have ever owned. When I was about 9 years old, my grandmother gave this ring to me and said that this was the same ring that she used to wear everyday as a young girl. This type of ring was very common during her time, but now it is very special to have one. Whenever I wear it people always ask me where I bought it and I just tell them that this ring is a "generational gift." Someday when I'm old enough to have kids and even grandkids I will pass this ring down to them as my grandmother did for me.

Hopefully your family has a special momento from the past that they would like to share with you too! It was really quite a moment when I recieved this ring since it carried so much of my grandmother's childhood with it. I hope you enjoy this short but sweet glimpse at the history of this ring and are maybe inspired to start looking for jewelry you would like to pass down in the future!



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