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Some of you may have heard of the photography concept the "Golden Hour". Essentially, it is between 4:00 and 5:00 when the sun is just starting to set. This time of day is seen as one of the best times to take photos. I love to do photo shoots during these hours. Above, you can see a great example of a picture we took during the "Golden Hour" about two years ago. This shot is one of my favorite photos of us ever taken.


One of the best parts about the "Golden Hour" is that it makes any photo look more warm (that's right--no more adjusting the warmth for your Instagram pictures!). This can be seen mostly at the top right of this photo where the light is giving Hannah's hair a soft glow. During this time of day, the sun is usually at the perfect angle to shoot really great close ups. Look at her skin-- it's practically flawless!


This time of day is also super great for full landscape shots (in this case with some action). The sky looks so pretty at this hour since the start of the sunset gives the whole sky an orangish glow.


And to finish up, a great picture of the two of us being weirdos. But you've got to admit, the sunlight in this photo is pretty cool:). Until next time, mon chéries!


Emma :)

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