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The holiday filled with love and candy is only a week away (and no we're not talking about Halloween even though that description still applies). We mean Valentine's Day of course. Probably the best part about this holiday is that you get a bunch of candy and obviously lots of love. But most importantly candy. If you're feely craft this V-Day we've got a treat for you! This DIY is perfect for that special someone (or someones) that you feel like giving a sweet little token of appreciation to. Check it out below.

All you need is:

Our very own Fishbowl Valentines Template (its at the bottom of the post; throw it onto a document and print it out)

Swedish Fish (multiple bags if you are making more than 3)

Colored pencils (green and blue)

Blue pen (any hue will do, hey that rhymed!)


Cellophane bag

Ribbon or Washi Tape (tape not pictured)

Color in one of the fishbowls from the template blue, so it looks like water. Then, if you want add some details like seaweed or other fish (which we did in pen so they would be darker). We wrote a cute little valentine message that says "There are plenty of fish in the sea but you're the one for me!" What's not cute about that, we don't know. It may be a little cheesy, but who cares when there's love and candy involved?!?

Once you've customized your fishbowl to your liking, go ahead and stick that in a cellophane bag (we cut ours so that it would be smaller), and throw in some Swedish Fish. We put 8 little fishies in there but you can either save them for others or throw in a whole bag! We thought we would share the wealth, so we decided to save them, you know because we're pretty generous. ;)

You can either tie these cute little Valentines up with string, (Julie Andrews would approve even though they aren't brown paper packages), or just use a strip of washi tape (we DEFINITELY approve). Either way is fine, and either way is adorable so it's a win win no matter what you choose.

Ahhhhh!! It's just too much cuteness for one post, sorry guys, we can't handle it. We are 99.99999% sure that your friends or loved ones will be glad to recieve this sweet treat from you next week, so you better start making as many as you can so you don't run out on all the love!! Good luck and much love.


Emma and Hannah <3

Here's the template!

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