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First of all Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!!!! I hope you had a wonderful day filled with plenty of candy and time well spent with your loved-ones! Moving on to jewelry, I was recently given this bracelet after my mom did another closet sweep. Whenever she decides to tidy up a bit, it's prime vintage find time. I swear those closets are probably filled with old beauties, but I can tell she is pacing me and I respect that. Anyways, this bracelet is a major jackpot. When my mom was eighteen her parents took her to Italy and they toured around for a while. When they finally hit Florence, they oo-ed and aww-ed at the city's gorgeous sites. My mom told me she found this bracelet right of the city's main bridge Ponte Vecchio. Europe is so wonderful in that way; you can just pop into any shop and find something beautiful without even trying.

This summer I'm actually going to be travelling to Italy for the very first time!! I am beyond excited, I can barely hold it in! Hannah has already been a few years back and she has told me so many wonderful things. You can actually go check out some of the photos she took while she was there on the photography page under the travel section. If you cannot make it to The Boot soon enough hopefully her pictures with make up for it and transport you there without leaving!


Emma :)

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