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Although Hannah and I may be the bestest of friends ever, we still have other close friends too. :) Right now I'm going to do a little meet and greet with a few of our super cool, funny, sweet, weird (the list could go on and on) friends. I had the absolute pleasure to go up to the Ojai Valley Inn and Spa with these three lovely gals and we had a blast! Not only was this place absolutely stunning, but their activities, food, pools, gardens, and even juice bars (yes that is supposed to be plural) were amazing. It was the perfect weekend getaway and it truly felt like summer. Right now I'm about to give you all a little glimpse into the lovely poolside area.

This is my little Lily. ;) I've known her for 9 years now! I know that to some of you that may not sound like much, but that's currently more than half my life. See, that makes it sound crazier... She's practically my little sister and I love her and her GREAT dance moves so much.... (ps she gave each of us some of her awesome Flash Tats to wear and I am OBBESSED; if you didn't see them already, they're on my arm) :)

Lily's Wearing: Splendid Swim swim suit; Marc by Marc Jacobs glasses

Emma's Wearing: Madewell swim suit; Urban Outfitter's glasses

Awwww and here's my other little sis Samantha, or as I call her Sama. Sama is Molly's little sister (you'll see her in a second). She is honestly one of the cutest gals around and she always knows how to make me smile, even weirdly like above in exhibit A. :) Love you girlie!

Samantha's Wearing: Juicy Couture swim suit

I am in love with this photo, they both look stunning! Last but certainly not least, here is my truly astounding friend Molly. Hannah and I have known Molly for 9 1/2 years now, so a little bit more than Lily and I. We have been close for so long that it almost feels surreal that we've known each other for almost a decade now. Weirdly enough, I still don't feel old. :) Anyways, Molly has been hired to be our blog's editor! She's great at it and we both love her dearly. What would we do without you Moo? ;)

Molly's Wearing: Billa Bong swim suit; Urban Outfitter's glasses

My crew's looking fab! This photo is honestly so adorable. I love each and every one of them for a gazillion different reasons and I'm so glad I got to spend quality time with them. I'll post more about our trip soon but I thought I'd share these cute photos first because I could not bear to wait any longer to show you all!


Emma :)

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