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Happy Friday everyone! Spring has arrived and we are SOOO ready!! Better yet, Easter is this weekend and we've crafted a gorgeous flower crown that would be a great addition to your perfectly planned outfit. ;) This DIY is super fun and the final product is absolutely amazing. So let's get to it!

All you need is:

A variety of fake flowers (found at any craft store)

4 pipe cleaners (only three are pictured)

Green flower tape


Hot glue gun (not pictured)

Wrap 2 of the pipe cleaners together at their ends. Fit the pipe cleaners around your head to see if they sit easily while leaving a little bit of wiggle room. If it does not fit, wrap your third pipe cleaner onto both of the loose ends of the other 2 pipe cleaners to finish off the ring. The final piece will look wobbly and bent but this does not matter, in fact it makes it looks more like a branch that way.

Carefully wrap your pipe cleaner ring with floral tape. This type of tape sticks to itself so don't worry when you first feel it and it seems too paper-y. For extra support, glue down the ends once you've wrapped it entirely.

Take your fourth pipe cleaner and cut a piece about 1 1/2 inches long. Wrap that piece once tightly around your taped ring. This will support the flowers when you glue them on.

Add a line of glue from the middle of the flower to the base of the leaves opposite each other (basically a staight line).

Place the flower on the base you created and add more glue if it is too loose.

Repeat the last 3 steps with the rest of your larger flowers. We used 4 large flowers.

Add your smaller flowers in the gaps between the larger flowers to give the crown a little more variety and volume. We also added a few leaves at the ends to give it a wreath-vibe. There you go! Isn't it just lovely?

And here's a little extra surprise we thought we would throw in just for you all! You can save this image to your device(s) and use it as a background. Happy spring everyone and have a wonderful Easter! :)

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