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Yes the day has finally come, the day where we all celebrate one the most wonderful influences in our daily lives. Mother's Day is a very sentimental day, and sometimes those feelings may be pushed aside because you realize "oh wait, I forget to get her a card." But no sweat friends, since this quick DIY is going to save you some time from searching around for the cheesiest card in the aisle while also surprising your mom with something beautiful and handmade.

All you need is:

Wax paper (Flimsy, transfer paper at your local craft store)

A watercolor set

Paintbrush (small/medium)

Graphite Stick

Thin Sharpie

Rubber kneaded eraser

Watercolor paper card and envelope

Draw out your desired flower on the wax paper. I prefer structured flowers such as orchids since they are less complicated to handle in watercolors.

Now go over your pencil drawing in thin Sharpie so you can see it later.

Flip the wax sheet over so that you see the inverse of the flower you just traced. On the back, roughly trace the outline of your newly Sharpied flowers.

Directly line up your drawing (flip it over again so it faces the way it was originally) to the front side of the card and put tape down on the ends to secure it.

Trace your flower with a regular drawing pencil. Make sure to trace in every shape that is there on the transfer paper so you don't miss a petal by accident.

Once you've transfered the image over completely, take your kneaded eraser and start erasing all the dark lines. Watercolor shows EVERYTHING, so you definitely do not want any dark pencil marks in there.

When you begin to watercolor, think of only one thing first, where is your light source coming from? Once you figure that out, from that point on you are completely free to paint whatever you want. I recommend starting off with the stem and then working your way to the petals. Make sure that the bottom parts of the painting (example: the lower stem and flower bottoms) have darker parts than the rest. Once you have the bases of the flowers painted on, take a smaller brush and add some minor details like small lines to give the flowers a little extra something. :)

To finish it off, write your lucky recipient's name on the envelope in either watercolor or just pen, either way looks great. And with that you'll have the perfect, heart-felt card for mom (or grandma as seen above). ;) It's never too late to give her this card, which we are pretty positive she will love and adore (even if you don't finish in time). Go now and make this card, there's still some time left!


Emma :)

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