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Being able to shoot in black and white is one of the main staples in photography skills. But, sometimes, these types of photos require a lot of effort to get just the right amount of everything (brightness, contrast, etc.). Don't worry, we're not trying to scare you off here because we are about to explain to you 3 easy tips that will make sure you take a great b&w photo everytime. People will be asking you if you're a professional in no time. ;)

1. Contrast is KEY!

Contrasting light and dark areas will add an interesting aspect to your photo. This can be seen in the photo above. To achieve something like this, make sure your surroundings of wherever you are are primarily dark. When we took this photo there was only one light source in the room and it was focused on Emma's face. Don't be afraid to experiment with different lighting and lots of editing! Bumping up the contrast will make a huge difference, and help you achieve that super dark midnight black framing the subject.

2. Look out for shadows and shapes!

Paying attention to shadows and shapes is important. These two elements can look great in a black and white photo if you adjust your effects in the right way. Looking for these characteristics while shooting in color will help you visualize your subject in black and white. Next time you take some photos try switching from color to black and white for a few photos so you can really see this in action.

3. Textures are your best friends.

Fabric, metal, hair, skin, and all kinds of little details look amazing in black and white! In this photo, you really notice the texture of Hannah's shorts, as well as all the changes in shading from light (left side) to dark. Using black and white during the day time really helps show off things like this. On a really sunny day sometime try changing your camera settings around using black and white plus a lit bit of brightness and you'll find you'll be very happy with the end results. ;)

These 3 tricks are just the beginning to taking great black and white photos. We hope you use them to create your own perfect b&w masterpieces that you can then share with us! Have a great week everyone and try experimenting with black and white this summer. :)

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