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I have a confession to make. I am an Arnold Palmer-holic. I swear it's true, you can ask anyone. Anytime I go to a restaurant I order this fine refreshment and drink as many as the waiter fills my glass with. Although it is a teeth-stainer have no fear since that's what white strips were invented for! Anyways, it just so happens to be July which is notoriously known as the second hottest month of the year (first place goes to August), and with that knowledge we can conclude that thirst levels are much higher than usual. The only way to solve this problem is by keeping hydrated! Although water should be your first option.....why not up your drink game with a nice glass of peach iced tea and ginger lemonade? Now let's get to this recipe!

Gather all of your ingredients.

Slice your ginger into round pieces. Then squeeze 4 1/2 lemons into a measuring cup and then in another cup measure a cup of sugar.

Combine the ginger pieces, lemon juice, and sugar with 4 cups of water in a pot. Bring to a boil and stir occasionally for about 10 minutes.

While the lemonade mixture is boiling, boil 8 cups of water for the iced tea. Once the water is ready, place 2 peach iced black tea bags into a heat-safe pitcher. Let that sit for 5-8 minutes uncovered.

Once the lemonade is boiled, transfer it into another heat-safe pitcher. Let both the pitchers cool for about 20-25 minutes. If you're in a hurry, put them in the fridge for 10 minutes before serving.

Once everthing is cooled down, get a glass and fill it with ice. I like to pour the lemonade first and then the iced tea just because that's how it's usually done, but you do you and pour it how you like it. ;)

Now here's the recipe.


For the lemonade:

4 cups of water

1 1/4 cups of lemon juice (about 4 1/2 lemons)

1 ginger root (cut 16 small slices)

1 cup of sugar

For the iced tea:

2 peach iced tea bags (you can find the ones I used at Paper Source)

8 cups of boiled water


1.) Begin by slicing your ginger into 16 round pieces.

2.) Squeeze your lemon juice into a measuring cup.

3.) Measure out a cup of sugar.

4.) Bring 4 cups of water to a boil with the ginger, lemon juice, and sugar. Stir this mixture occasionally for about 10 minutes.

5.) While the lemon mixture is boiling, boil 8 cups of water for the iced tea in a tea kettle. The electric one I have only takes a minute to come to a complete boil!

6.) Once the water is ready, pour it into a heat-safe pitcher. Take 2 tea bags and steep the tea for 5-8 minutes uncovered.

7.) When the lemonade has boiled turn the stove off and let the mixture sit for 5 minutes and then transfer it into another heat-safe pitcher with the ginger still in it.

8.) Let both of the pitchers sit for 20-25 minutes (10 in the fridge if you're in a rush), and serve over ice. Enjoy this refreshment with a peach (or ginger) garnish. :)

Enjoy the wonderful flavor combination that is peach iced tea and ginger lemonade with a peach-garnished glass for that extra class (hey that rhymes) and you will have a happy, hydrated summer! :))



PS: We made a video of this recipe that you can check out right here!

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