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It's official. We've caught the mason jar fever here at LPC. We can't help incorporating them into our posts as much as possible for obvious reasons (aka they are just so adorable). Come on, who can pass up that rustic home look they ooze? Very french country side if we do say so ourselves. ;) We'll show you how to add that kind of charm to your home with these little candles, but be careful you may catch the mason jar fever too. :)

All you need is:

Mason Jars (we chose our favorites from Quattro Stagioni that you may regonize from our last craft post)

Pre-made wicks (can be found at your local craft/hobby store)

Essential oils (we used Lavender, Vanilla, and Bergamot)

Parowax household wax (found ours at the market)

A spoon (that you don't mind being covered in wax that may get stuck to it)

Small melting pot

Double boiler (two pots will do)

Boil the water in the bottom part of your double boiler. Once it boils, place the top part of your double boiler with the wax block filled melting pot inside it over the heat. While that slowly starts to melt, place a large piece of tape over the top of your jar with tape on the sides to secure the larger piece. Cut a small opening in the tape without breaking it. Then quickly dip the metal part attached to your wick in the hot wax that already melted and fish it through the tape you cut. With a skewer or toothpick press it down so that it is securely placed at the bottom.

Occasionally stir around the wax with your spoon. While you wait for the wax to completely melt, take the essential oil(s) of your choosing and drop about 15 drops (of each) onto the bottom and sides of your jar. We decided to do one candle just lavender and the other one a combonation of Vanilla and Burgamot.

Once the wax is compeletely melted down, pour it carefully into the jar(s) (quick tip: use an oven mit to lift the melting pot out of the double boiler for pouring). Let the candle(s) sit untouched for a full 24 hours. After you wait for that time painfully long time to pass, trust us it feels like forever but you can do it, you are free to burn your new beautiful candles. Get ready to be transported (aromatically and aesthetically of course) to the South of France. :) Au revoir lovelies!

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