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Breakfast can be stressful. On one hand, you want to make something absolutely delicious and savor every bite of it, but on the other hand, you need to bolt out the door because you decided to press your snooze button 5 times. It's hard we get it. But stress no more, chia seed pudding has come to save all us tired/lazy people! This chia seed pudding is great since it only requires two ingredients and it almost tastes like it could be for dessert! This breakfast is reserved for champions (of laziness) only. ;)

The ingredient list for this recipe is pretty small so we'll just tell you what you need right away, if you haven't already seen above. All you need is some unsweetened vanilla coconut milk and chia seeds.

Drop in about 1 1/2 tablespoons of chia seeds into a small to medium sized mason jar.

Then fill the jar almost all the way to the top with the coconut milk.

Seal the jar and then shake it around so the chia seeds don't all clump together.

Put your jar in the fridge for 24 hours. Once you're ready to eat it, take the jar out of the fridge, shake it, and top with any fruit and some agave/honey. We prefer to eat ours with strawberries and agave, but you can honestly use any fruit you find in the fridge and some honey/sugar. The possibilties are endless so you can be as creative as you like! Enjoy your new go-to breakfast everyone!

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