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The number of days until Halloween are getting shore-ter and shore-ter... and we have a reely great costume idea for you! Drum roll please........ you should dolfinitely be a MERMAID! Need some kelp creating your look? Don't worry! We've got you covered :) Our look is shrimple, chic, and easy to create. We're gonna show you how to DIY your own seashell bralette AND the perfect makeup look to go with it! Shell we?


What you'll need:

A cheap bralette (we found ours on Amazon)

Fake pearls of different sizes

Two large seashells

Assorted seashells

Hot glue gun

Hot glue sticks

1. Put on your bralette. If you are alone, stand in front of a mirror. It's easier to have a buddy to help!

2. Hot glue the two large shells over your breasts. Don't worry, you can't feel the hot glue on your skin :)

3. Randomly hot glue the assorted shells all around the rest of the bralette. Make sure to get into as many small corners as possible, it looks nicer when you can't see the real bralette underneath the shells!

And voila! So shrimple, right? Be careful when you take off the bralette, you don't want to ruin your masterpiece!

Now it's time for the makeup! Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel ;)

Water you waiting for? Go get some shells to glue on yourshellf! If you guys recreate this look, make sure to share a photo with us on Instagram (@lespetitescheries) We hope you have a fintastic Halloween!!! Au revoir <3

P.S.: There's more coming very shore-tly....

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