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Happy November 1st! Let's take a trip back to yesterday for a moment so we can talk about my little Halloween get together. To begin, the photo above showcases the lovely range of costumes we had going on. A majority of the group (including myself) dressed up as moms and dads, but then the lovely Myman sisters (remember them from this post?) dressed up as Chanel from Scream Queens and an adorable onesie cat. Quite a party you may think, and oh yes it was.

Among other decorations scattered throughout the house, I've got to say the eyeball candles really killed the spooky game (not really since they're kind of cute).

Right here we've got ourselves a black wire tree that has the most handy-dandy little hooks that are absolutely perfect for hanging cute little Halloween ornaments!

What's a Halloween party without a real jack-o-LANTERN?

This is a mighty fine table scape ready for some pumpkin decorating a pumpkin spice cupcake eating action if you ask me. ;)

All the cupcakes were eaten before I could get any pictures, so I guess that means they were good right? Instead, here's a couple more shots of the array of supplies I layed out for my friends to go crazy decorating with!

Since I know you were just dying to see those SCARILY accurate costumes again, here are the girls getting some squats in before their brunch date.

And the dads (yup that is me with a 5 o' clock shadow) doing our squad poses wearing Babybjörns. We know we're obviously the coolest dads on the block. ;)

Couples night for the win! So as you can tell, we had a blast this Halloween even though we all look a bit crazy. But isn't that exactly what the spirit of Halloween is all about? Until next year mon chéries!!



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