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It's been such a long time since we've done a product review!! Luckily, I've got something to share with you all. ;) I wear very minimal makeup, and when I say minimal I mean slap on some concealer and walk out the door. Benefit's Porefessional is one out of the only 2 products I use every morning. The other product is Benefit's Fake-Up concealer (which I wrote a review about right here). I use a pore-minimizer because surpirsingly enough, I have huge pores that people never usually see because obviously I cover them up! I start by dabbing my Fake Up concealer on under my eyes and on any of my blemishes with my finger. Then I dab a small amount of the Porefessional on both sides of my face near the sides of my nose and slightly rub it around in a circular motion. I finally blend this all in with my Beauty Blender or if I feel like being super fancy a medium-sized brush (like the one pictured).

That is honestly my entire makeup routine on a daily basis. I don't have time for any of that fancy stuff, except I do use some astringent right before I apply any type of concealer (duh). What's great about this pore-minimizer is that it doesn't leave any oils behind, in fact it makes my skin feel smoother and appear matte. It has a very creamy texture and applies very easily especially when you use something with a spongey texture like a Beauty Blender. I'm not saying this product is for EVERYONE, like any other product it's trial and error. I was a little afraid of it the first time I had it on because I was worried about it getting stuck in my pores or something crazy like that, but I can safely say that nothing like that happened and my skin practically is poreless when I wear it!! Try it out and let me know what you think. ;)



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