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Last month, I went on an AMAZING trip to Mars! Just joking around, but camping in Death Valley for five days definitely makes you feel like you're on another planet. The trip was a photography immersion, and the goal was to take as many photos as possible so when we arrived in Los Angeles, we would have plenty of material to put together a unique photography project. After those five days of no service, basically no showering, crazy winds (my tent flipped over!), and more... I'm ecstatic to show you my results, and a few stories along the way ;)

Presenting... drum roll please... An Amateur Teen Photographer's Guide to Death Valley!

Our first location: Devil's Golf Course

This place was basically an enormous plot of land covered in salt crystals and rocks.

CAUTION! Salt crystals are much spikier than you think... Don't sit on a crystal while trying to take a photo of another crystal... it hurts. Trust me, I know from experience ;)

Next up! Badwater Basin, AKA the lowest point in the USA!

Looks like snow, doesn't it? Well it's actually salt. This place was pretty cool to take photos at because it looked like a winter wonderland!

P.S. Saltball fights aren't fun.

Death Valley has the most BEAUTIFUL sunsets! Took this right before we left Badwater.

That same statement also works for sunrises... Taken the morning after at our sunrise shoot!

Later on, we arrived at Racetrack Playa. To be honest, this place was a little boring :/

Although, I did get a pretty cool photo for my project there. (Editted on Photoshop)

The next day was pretty random. We basically adventured around and drove all day to find cool things to take photos of. It was also the first (and only) time we showered :/ TMI?

Voila, day four! This was by far the coolest day of the trip. Our group headed to the Eureka sand dunes! A FOUR hour drive from our campsite, but totally worth it.

The dunes were HUGE... so some people brought boogie boards, skis, and snowboards to ride down them.

What a great day... the only bad part was that we climbed all the way up to one of the tallest dunes to get good photos of the sun setting, but everyone forgot their shoes, socks, sweaters, water bottles, etc near our bus. Once the sun sets, the temperature drops by what feels like 20 degrees... so we were shivering down the dunes; I was trying to run but my feet were so numb that I thought they would fall off!

Last day: Sunrise shoot at Zabriskie Point

This was the perfect way to finish up our trip. This is where I realized how much I had learned about photography such a short time. I'll never forget everything I learned on this trip, and all the experiences I had.

Thanks for reading, I'm so happy that I got to share this with you all!

Love, Hannah :)

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