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I have always had a debate with myself of whether or not I want to get a second piercing. One part of me says YES GO FOR IT YOU'LL LOOK SO COOL AND GET TO WEAR MORE EARRINGS. But then the other part of me says, well a second piercing is great and all, but you might get tired of it and you know you're too lazy to take care of another hole in your ear. The anti-second piercing argument always wins with that last part. But alas, I have found a solution! Ear cuffs are the perfect alternative to a second piercing. The only problem with them is that many stores either 1. sell them at ridiculous prices or 2. they are so insanely intricate that they make your ear look like it is being consumed by a metal monster. So I decided to take matters into my own hands and create my own with some jewelry wire I always keep around to experiment with. After, many tests and pieces of wire littering my floor (I'm tellling you crafting is dangerous), I finally found the perfect formula to make an ear cuff that is minimal and comfortable. Check out the tutorial below!

All you need is:

A ruler

Jewelry pliers

Artistic jewelry wire (the kind I have is very thin but you can decide what thickness is comfortable for you)

A thin pen (mine is Le Pen)

Meaure out 3 inches of wire and cut it using the sharp part in the back of your pliers.

Now fold it in at one inch. Do this again on the other side until you create a sort of rounded zig-zag shape.

Now take the very end of one side of your zig-zag and bend it into a little loop using the tip of your pliers until it touches the wire. Repeat this step on the other side. This is to make sure you don't poke your ears, plus it looks super cute!

Now take your thin pen and form the ear cuff around it. The pen I used is best for average sized ears. You may need to play around with the size of the pen depending on how big your ear is. You can always adjust with the jewelry pliers after you've bent the cuff to make it the size you want.

How simple and delicate does that look? I love how it goes with my other earring. ;) And it only took about 5 minutes to make! I have had so many people ask to buy one off of me which is kind of crazy. Maybe one day we'll start a shop on the blog and sell them here. But that's just an idea to consider for the way way way future, so don't get too excited! ;) In the meantime, these little cuties are perfect to wear as an accessory and you can even make some extras as great little gifts!

Look my bunny jewelry dish is even wearing an ear cuff! I think I'm onto something with this whole ear cuff thing. This could be the beginning of a new trend. :) Well, you know where you saw it first! Here at LPC we're definitely ahead of the fashion game. ;)



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