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I've noticed a trend that has been consistently on everyone's home decor radar for quite a while now. If you don't know what I'm referring to right now that's alright. I'm talking about the interior design obsession over gallery walls. You could've guessed it I know, I know. The problem with these beautiful, stylish attention-drawing walls is that they cost a lot of $$$$. What if I told you I could make you and your wallet very happy? I'm sure you'd be delighted, and guess what I can. It took me less than ten bucks to make these adorable gradient watercolor phrase prints. Is your interest piqued? Probably. Scroll down to see how it's done. ;)

All you need are a few simple supplies:

Watercolor paper (9" by 12")

Glitter alphabet stickers (grabbed these at Paper Source)

Medium sized brush

Watercolor paint tubes



Rip out a piece of watercolor paper. Get your ruler and at the three inch mark make a light notch with your pencil. Measure with this increment three more times.

Grab one of your watercolor paint tubes and squish a tiny (tip of your pinky size) bit of paint onto a piece of palette paper or a paper plate. Wet your brush and dab it on the edge of the paint until only the smallest bit of pigment is on your brush. On a test piece of watercolor paper test how watered down your paint is. Once you've gotten it to the lightness of your liking, start painting long strokes at the top of your paper. Stop at the point where you penciled in your notch. Continuing into the next segments of your gradient, keep adding a little bit more paint each time. You can always go back and add more paint so I reccomend staying on the lighter side.

Crafter Confession: I don't really have a particular strategy for putting down the glittery letters *gasp!* If I'm being completely honest here, I just kind of went for it and rearranged the letters when I thought they needed to be more centered. The only thing I did measure out was how far away each word was from each other as I went down the paper. Other than that, I kept making lots of little adjustments until I got the letters approximately centered. If I do say so myself, I think I did a pretty swell job for the lack of technique I had. ;)

In terms of picking out phrases, I just looked through song titles and looked up "cute short phrases" until I found something I like. I also knew I definitely wanted something French because everyone knows that anything in French looks pretty. :P Wow it looks like I'm really going BTS with this craft post. Don't be fooled by the pretty pictures, crafting is no easy feat my friends. I wish you all luck in all your DIY adventures and I hope you get around to making these wall prints for your dream gallery wall sometime soon!



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