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It is the eve (well the morning version of eve) of Mother's Day! Tomorrow all of us get to give the most important women in our lives lots of love, but more importantly a beautiful breakfast in bed that makes her feel like the downright flawless *QUEEN* that she is. Why not switch it up a bit this year and give her something a little more on the trendy side? Our moms are always asking what's "new and hip these days," so instead of rolling your eyes and telling her to go look it up, give her a little taste! There is nothing trendier right now in the breakfast department than the almighty açaí (pronounced ah-sah-ee) bowls that have made their way from Brazil to our Instagram feeds. If you haven't hopped on the trend train already, then you should know that açaí bowls are pretty much the best healthy breakfast ever. The dessert-like quality of the dish makes it the perfect meal to serve your sweet mom tomorrow. Satisfaction guaranteed. ;)

Gather up all your ingredients.

Blend together the frozen fruit, greek yogurt, and almond milk.

You can top your bowl with pretty much anything you want, but I usually go the more traditional route. Granola, chia seeds, agave, and fresh fruit are my personal favorite toppings.

Tell me that's not the most aesthetically pleasing breakfast you've ever seen!! Your mom is going to be SO proud of you. :) Here's the recipe.


1/2 cup frozen mango

1/2 cup frozen mixed berries

1 açaí berry pack (run it under hot water for 30 seconds and break it into smaller pieces before opening the pack)

1/2 container of greek yogurt

3/4 cup vanilla almond milk

Toppings I used:

Handful of granola

4 sliced strawberries

1/2 banana

1 tablespoon of chia seeds

Drizzle of agave nectar (about a tablespoon)


1. Blend together the frozen berries, frozen mango, açaí berry pack, greek yogurt, and vanilla almond milk. You're looking for a smoothie-like consistency here. If it's too watery, try adding more yogurt or 1/2 a banana if you have one handy.

2. Pour your açaí into a bowl and top it off as prettily as you wish with granola, chia seeds, fresh fruit, etc.

* This recipe makes enough for two bowls (one for mom and one for you)! If you know you won't be using it all at once, store the rest in a plastic container in the freezer for up to a week and a half. When you take it out of the freezer, run the container under hot water for about 45 seconds. Throw the açaí into the blender with some almond milk if it's still not soft enough.

You are going to SLAY the breakfast game tomorrow morning with this bowl. Your mom is going to feel so trendy and very appreciated. :) Happy Mother's Day everyone!



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