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I am a firm believer in the idea that having a clean, clear face is better than a face caked in makeup and concealer. This is a concept I most definitely apply to my skincare routine whenever I'm traveling. This past year I have had a complete turnaround in the way I take care of my skin. At night I used use really harsh face wash plus some acne medication, which combined would dry out my face. Then in the morning I would just slap on a ton of concealer and call it a day. Those were dark times, but now I have been enlightened. Hannah was the one who recommended I switch up my routine after I complained about all the dry skin I had around my T-Zone (forehead, nose, and chin area for you skin novices out there). ;) Luckily, all my favorite products that I use everyday at home come in travel sizes that I can take with me no matter where I go! By the time this is posted I'll already be in Tuscany, Italy. :)

Let's talk about your actual skin first. The first battle you have to fight whenever you travel is the desert 30,000 feet above land. Yup, I'm talking about airplanes. A swipe of First Aid Beauty's Ultra Repair Cream will do just the trick to keep you moisturized up in the sky without making you oily. I also love using this cream right after I wash my face with FAB's Pure Skin Face Cleanser on my Clarisonic (which I also bring with me whenever I'm traveling). This face wash removes all the excess dirt and oil on your skin (it's gross but true) after a long day of exploring. I only wash my face with this cleanser whenever I take a shower because I don't think it's necessary to use this stuff more than once a day. After I get out of the shower I like to give my face a little spritz of FAB's Vitamin Hydrating Mist to give my skin a little bit of a dewy glow. This mist is PERFECT for when you want to look and feel fresh in a flash!

Alright now let's talk about keeping the rest of you feeling fresh throughout the day. If you're going somewhere hot these products are ESPECIALLY helpful. I absolutely love Jergen's Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer. I use it on my legs everyday to keep my skin feeling soft and also give it a nice tan tint. I was SOOOOOO happy when I found my favorite lotion in travel-size!! I'm sure you recognize the little guy with the eyes on the right if you read our review on Glossier's Coconut Balm Dotcom. If you haven't yet then let me catch you up. Basically this stuff is the holy grail of lip and small dry skin patch care. If you ever find your skin feeling parched and desperately in need of some TLC, then this is the salve for you. Keep it in your bag so you can whip it out at a moment's notice!

Last but certainly not least, here are the essentials you need for quick fixes. A small horror story: getting a pimple on vacation. I'm just shuddering at the thought of it. Sadly it happens more often than I like to admit, but no worries I got you covered (pun TOTALLY intended). Concealer to the rescue! My favorite one is actually a drugstore beauty find that I have relied on since I started wearing concealer. What makes this product so very special is that it contains salicylic acid, which helps clear those pesky pimples faster. My next and last favorite getaway beauty essential are Clean & Clear's Oil Absorbing Sheets. Let's face it, no matter how hard you try to keep the oils away from your face they will keep coming back. The products that I mentioned above do a VERY good job at keeping you oil-free for a long time. Sweating is inevitable, especially while meandering around little villages or getting lost in big cities. No sweat (I'm sorry I can't stop), these oil absorbing sheets will keep your skin less shiny. These are another product that I definitely recommend you keep close at hand in your bag.

These products have saved me lots of time and effort while on vacation. Isn't the point of traveling being able to go exploring and learn about another place through experiences? Exactly! So why should your beauty routine take up all your time? Trust me, I think it's super important to take care of yourself while on your getaway, so that's why I shared my 7 favorite essentials that will have you out the door in 10 minutes. Even if you aren't planning on traveling soon I still highly recommend all of these products since they are practically my regular skincare routine to-go. Hopefully you book a local or international vacation soon so you can take a little side trip to your closest beauty supply store and pharmacy to stock up on all these great products!

xoxo and ciao,


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