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Yup, you read that right! Indeed this is another Glossier review/haul. Before you go crazy, briefly hear us out. We have both become cult followers of this beauty brand (clearly) because we seriously have never found anything else like it on the market. Anyone can see that they totally check all of the boxes: great products, all of which work well with a variety of skin types/tones; everything is super versatile and simple to incorporate into your daily routine; each product comes in beautiful packaging; and #GIRLBOSS Emily Weiss runs the whole show. Who could ask for more?

Emma's going to take you on a little tour of her latest haul--

Hello everyone it's Emma! Let's get to the hauling shall we? About a month ago I decided to go big and order a TON of stuff from Glossier. I mean July is my birthday month, so I only thought it the logical thing to do... There is absolutely nothing more satisfying in the world than opening Glossier's signature pink bubble pouch fresh out of the mail. But once I recieved the Phase 2 set, which came in a "Apple matte" box with a holographic "g," my world was rocked. Every part of the packaging down to the very last detail was pristine and I almost felt like I was handling art. Believe me when I tell you, this is a near religious experience. I could talk for days about how much I want to hug their design team and beg them to decorate my room for me, but I won't bore you with that rambling. ;)

Before I tackle Phase 2, I quickly want to tell you a little bit about two of Glossier's newest balm dotcom flavors. *quickly sobs over the color palettes and packaging* Way back when I gave you all a full review of their coconut flavor. These new guys basically do the same thing, with one exception. The company's new rose flavor has a sheer pink tint to it, and with just a swipe leaves your lips looking, you guessed it, rosy! The mint flavor is just as cool because it feels like a breath of fresh air on your lips. :) Also, just wanted to fill you guys in that I got my favorite Mega Greens mask in this haul, but and I won't be talking about it here in this post. You can read all about it if you want in Hannah's review. :)

Here we go Phase 2! This is basically the holy grail of all no-makeup makeup kits. I've told you all before that I don't wear that much makeup, but when I do it's usually just concealer, lipstick, brow gel, and mascara. Well, Glossier put three of those four products into a *beautiful* white box and shipped it to me. They really just understand me you know?? For real though, I'm in love with every one of the products. At first I was a little apprehensive about the lip color because I usually like to try on a shade before I buy it, but Hannah assured me "Like" would look best on me so I went for it. Of course, she was totally right. Quick online shopping tip: shopping is always better with friends. ;)

Boy Brow: I am a total brow-care addict. I've luckily been blessed with full, thick brows, but from time to time I like to use a nice brow gel to keep some of the wilder hairs in place. Glossier's Boy Brow does just the trick. Don't get scared away by the waxy texture of the formula because it's actually super gentle. I'm very protective of my brows, so rest assured this stuff will not pull your hair out.

Generation G: At first I was really confused by the name of Glossier's new lipstick line, but then I decided "Glossier can call it whatever they want, as long as it's on my vanity shelf." Weird name choice aside, this product is really nice. My only complaint is that it's VERY matte, which leads to drying, but this can easily be fixed with your choice of balm dotcom. Also, "Like" is a very light shade so it requires a few coats before it really starts to show on your lips.

Stretch Concealer: Concealer is one of my desert island must-haves, so when I found out Glossier was coming out with one I knew I had to get my hands on it. I really hyped it up in my mind before it showed up at my doorstep and Hannah had told me how much she loved it, so my expectations were pretty high. Luckily, all of them were met. Glossier's unique formula is very light on the face, yet it covers up even the biggest blemishes and red spots so well. I mostly use it under my eyes when I wake up a little puffy. This stuff works like a charm to make me look more alive even when I appear dead to the world. :) PS: I wear Stretch Concealer in Medium.

Brace yourselves, there's actually one more product not featured in this post. Why not you ask? It's because the new addition to my ever growing Glossier collection is on back-order. :( I'm talking about Haloscope (face highlighter) here people! I have been so patiently waiting for my last pink pouch to arrive, and according to the delivery tracker (yes I am that kind of person) it should be here anyday now. I know the agony!!!! Until it arrives, I will distract myself with all of my Phase 2 goodies and maybe a detoxifying mega greens mask session or two. :)



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