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Hola! I'm so excited to share my new go-to foundation routine and amazing experience with Bare Minerals' BareSkin products with you all! As some of you may have seen on one of our earliest Instagram stories at the beginning of August, I bought a travel-sized BareSkin foundation impulsively in Sephora's "Aisle of Doom." By that I mean the amazing aisle next to the cashier with all of Sephora's mini/travel-sized products. You know, the one that makes you spend much more than you had expected to when you first walked into the store. I ended up buying the mini BareSkin formula because the foundation I really wanted was out of stock. Clearly I made the right decision or I wouldn't be writing this post! Now without further ado, let me show you how versatile and fabulous this foundation is!

So as you can see, this is a serum foundation, which I never thought my crazy oily skin would like, but I guess I was wrong. It has an ultra thin consistency, making it extremely easy to apply, and it has seamless coverage which is totally adjustable. I love how even if I apply too much of the product, the result is still completely natural-looking and not cakey. Plus, my skin is noticeably brighter, which gives it a healthy glow and a little bit of dew that I don't really need to set with powder or blot during the day. Also- IT HAS SPF! As I've said a billion times, SPF is SO important.

Story time: Last week, my grade and I embarked on a rowing/camping journey down the Russian River for 4 days (side note: can't believe I'm already a junior!). It was an amazing experience, and I came back completely tan and sunburnt (in spite of my constant SPF PSAs)! The day after I came back from the trip, I, of course, headed straight to Sephora to pick up a travel size version in my tan shade of this foundation. I ended up ditching that idea to do some experimenting, and bought the full size of my shade, and of the BareSkin serum bronzer (mentioned before in "10 Products to Enhance Your Summer Beauty Routine").

I found my perfect tan shade by mixing these two lovely products together! Now, I put a dime sized amount of foundation on the back of my hand, and mix two drops of bronzer, then apply it onto my face with my fingers. After I've messily covered the majority of my face, I take a damp beauty blender and even out the coverage with it, as well as get into smaller areas on my face. Ta-da! Perfect summer glow, and amazing, natural coverage! If I'm feelin' it, I'll even apply even more serum bronzer afterwards on the sides of my face and down my neck with my beauty blender. Quick PSA: If you're thinking about buying these fabulous products, don't waste your money on the brush they sell with it! Unfortunately made that mistake. :( Your hands can do it better, if you're okay with foundation getting all over them :)

Let us know if you wanna see these babies in action in an everyday makeup tutorial video! Or if you can think of any other makeup look you'd like to see, we’re open to everything, especially with Halloween coming up and the crazy makeup looks that go along with it.

Until next time <3 -Hannah

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