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One thing you may not know about me is that I LOVE sheet masks! They're so simple yet so effective. I'm always looking for new ones to test out because there are so many different ones out there that are designed for specific skin concerns, plus they're so affordable! My favorite place to order sheet masks is Ulta, because they have a wide selection of Korean skincare on their website, and my favorite sheets always tend to be from Korean brands. Plus, I love reading each product's reviews, and Ulta has a wide range of customers with various skin types who share their experiences. Some of the masks I picked up this time around are staples for my skin, and others are newbies. Hope you enjoy!

P.S.: Stay tuned for some sheet mask tips at the end of this post.

This first sheet mask I got is Tony Moly's I'm Real Rice Mask. This is one of my favorites! I love how soft and healthy my skin looks after using this. It definitely smooths out all my problem areas. I would've picked up more than two, but since I've been trying out other masks lately I thought it might be a little excessive to stock up.

I've never tried this Karuna Clarifying Face Mask before, or anything from Karuna, so I'm very excited to try this! This brand is apparently one of the best for sheet masks. This specific mask is supposed to minimize breakouts and smooth problem areas. Can't wait to test it out! I'll keep you all updated on the results. :)

This Tony Moly Red Ginseng Mask is another newbie. I tested this out a few nights ago and I was very impressed! It minimized my breakouts quickly which was a pleasant surprise. I never see such fast acne repairing results from sheet masks! Unfortunately, the morning after I did this, I broke out. Still contemplating whether or not I should repurchase this because I may be sensitive to it, but you should definitely look into it!

Tony Moly's Mud Mask is one of my favorites because it's so effective yet so different from any other sheet mask I've used. It completely removes sebum and dries out small pimples on my face. LOVE. IT. The only issue is that you have to leave it on for a very long time for it to work. But afterwards, your skin is soft, matte, and fabulous!

I decided to pick this Tony Moly I'm Real Tea Tree Mask up because I've heard tea tree is amazing for breakouts and I wanted to give it a shot! Plus it has great reviews :) Emma is also a big fan of this mask so I thought I'd give it a shot.

And finally, I picked up this Tony Moly Bubble Sheet Mask! This is another favorite of mine. It's very different from the usual serum soaked sheet because YUP it bubbles up on your face! After using this mask, my makeup applies phenomenally because my skin is so smooth and soft to the touch.

My face mask routine includes first cleansing my face, then exfoliating with a scrub of some sort, then (when possible) steaming my face, and finally, applying the mask. While it's on, I like to take a binder clip and close up the packaging, because sheet masks are basically sheets soaked in serum, and there's usually plenty of serum left in the packaging that you can use for the next few nights after! After I take off my mask, I finish up with the rest of my regular night routine and head to bed.

I definitely recommend checking out Ulta's wide range of sheet masks and Korean skincare section. If you think there's a sheet mask out there that Emma and I should try, then be sure to reach out to us on Insta. We're all ears! Until next time - Hannah :)

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