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Welcome back to my Belgian city guide series! I know I’m backtracking a bit since it’s spring now and I went on this trip in the winter season, but I still have a some more to share! So if you don’t mind, take a seat and get ready to take a trip down memory lane. (This could even be a good opportunity to start planning for next year’s winter vacation). :) This time around I’m going to tell you a bit about one of the day trips we went on while we were staying in Brussels. Ghent is only an hour train ride away out of Brussels, which makes it the perfect mini getaway within a vacation! This little city is a gem, with canals running through it and pretty, traditional northern European architecture. The world-famous altarpiece, “The Adoration of the Sacred of Lamb” within the city’s cathedral is a must-see among other things. Come with me as we wander through this sweet city just outside out Brussels.


Saint Bavo's Cathedral-

The cathedral in Ghent houses the famous “Adoration of the Sacred Lamb,” a spectacular altarpiece by the Dutch master Van Eyck. We spent a good 45 minutes in the room housing the panels absorbing every detail we possibly could. This piece is truly magnificent and makes Ghent even more spectacular.


The museum in Ghent is pretty massive. We walked through the cold and wind to get there, so by the time we made it we were all pretty tired, but we managed. Once we shed our winter coats, got some feeling back in our toes, and started looking at the art, our spirits were definitely lifted. Remember how I was talking about that altarpiece in the cathedral? Well as it turns out, what we saw at the cathedral was only partially real! We figured this out when we got to the part of the museum that had a glassed off room where people were currently restoring the piece. Oh well, it was still incredible!



A small sign hangs above the door that reads “mostaard fabriek,” which gives a pretty good description of what we walked into. Per recommendation of my brother who told us to visit this little mustard place, we popped in to see what he wanted us to try. The interior of the shop looks like it came straight out of the 1800s. The walls are lined with jars and pots of all shapes and sizes, containing you guessed it, mustard. Don’t get the wrong idea, they also sell other things foodstuffs as well. I was tempted by all amazing aromas of the different teas and spices, but we were on a mission for mustard so that’s what we got. And we got A LOT. Mission accomplished. :)


This bakery has a hard to pronounce name, but that doesn’t matter because the baked goods are the important part here. The outside of this shop looks like it was pulled out of an 19th century painting, and so do the delicious treats inside. The place was tiny and the scents of the freshly baked breads wafting outside made the air smell absolutely incredible. We got some bread pudding and a star shaped pastry filled with raisins as a "little snack" and we were not disappointed.

Ghent Noses-

Just outside of the bakery and mustard place, which are conveniently neighbors, were carts selling purple cone-shaped sweets. After a bit of examination (and the help of a salesman), I learned that these candies were “Ghent Noses” flavored with raspberries, wild berries, and violets. I know it sounds kind of like eating perfume, but I decided to go for it and buy a bag. They have an interesting florally taste (no surprise), and after a few bites and some minimal speculation, I decided I liked them. When in Ghent right? Pictured above is a little photoshoot entitled "Ghent Nose... Literally."

Dulle Griet-

It would be a moral sin if we didn’t get at least a 5 glasses of Belgium beer while we were in town. My dad loves a good Belgian beer so we stopped by a pub he read about in a guide book. I sat there eating my Ghent noses while my dad and mom each had a glass. It was a great looking old bar, and according to my dad if you order a certain beer that comes in a special long glass you have to give them your shoe so that you don’t steal the glass. Only in Belgium. ;)

Van Hoorebeke L. Chocolatier-

A good family friend of ours told us about his favorite chocolate shop in Ghent called Van Hoorebeke L. Chocolatier. This lovely shop has only two locations (both in Ghent) and is family-run. It was a cold, windy day, which in my book means hot chocolate weather, so that’s exactly what I got along with a couple of chocolates. Both were heavenly and tears of happiness were shed. :)

Ghent is truly a wonderful place to visit and I'm so glad I got to explore its cobblestone streets if only for one day. The city is incredibly tiny, but so full of life and beautiful sights. Although my stay was short, I now have the incentive to come back someday and explore the rest of this city and see what else it has to offer. Until next time when we meet in Amsterdam my loves.



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