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With 2018 just around the corner, we’ve been doing some reflecting and also some hoping/dreaming for what’s to come in the New Year. 2017 has been quite a whirlwind for the both of us with senior year, college applications, and just about as much pressure as you can imagine any two young women are facing at this critical time in our lives. It’s been hectic to say the least.

The end of the year is the perfect opportunity to pause and look back in the rearview mirror at all of the ups and downs of the year, reflect on what you learned, and then point your eyes towards the fresh start that lies ahead of you once the clock strikes 12 on the 31st. Yeah, yeah we know it sounds cheesy, but it is actually kind of amazing to look back on a whole year and realize how much has happened since 364 days ago.

What Emma has learned this past year—

Give yourself and others space.

This year was pretty emotionally tough for a lot of reasons (aka college apps, friend issues, personal problems, etc.), but I got through it all my giving myself and others the proper space necessary to get things done, and cope with certain emotions I/they needed to process alone.

When a friend or loved one hits a rough patch, sometimes all you want to do is ambush them with texts and bust down their door to show you care. While this may be tempting, I find that usually the best thing to do is to let things be, and that person will come to you when they’re ready to talk.

Take a break once in a while.

This is one lesson I have been trying to teach myself for as long as I can remember. I do not consider myself an incredibly high-strung person, but there are times when I let stress consume me to a point where I convince myself that I cannot stop doing something until I get it done. I am fully aware that this is counter-productive behavior, but hey, it happens.

When I did manage to snap out of my stress-induced frenzy and take a breather (a 10 minute power nap, a glance at my emails, etc.), I found that I felt much more at ease. A break allows me to reset my thinking and really evaluate whether it is really worth staying up or not to finish something. Plowing through is never the answer, and even though I have a bad habit of ignoring this fact, I know that taking a second to breath, and really think about what is going to benefit me in the long run is what is going to truly make me the most focused and productive person I can be.

Self-care = ESSENTIAL!!

That last lesson about taking breaks leads nicely into my final lesson of 2017. There is no way to function properly without true self-care, which includes physical and mental health. Look, I’m no therapist, but I know a little bit about how tough it is to be a teenager, and I also know that when I do not have the right amount of sleep (almost never), work-out for awhile, or take time to just chill with my friends, then I am not a happy camper. Reserve one night off a week for you to do whatever you want, whether that be going out with friends or spending a night in with a soothing facemask. Do what you got to do, but be sure it makes you feel good.

Emma's dreams and goals for the New Year—

Find a workout class I actually want to go to.

I’m not kidding this time. My body is in need of some serious self-care, and with the New Year coming up I’m determined find a class that fits me and my personal comfort level. I want to do kickboxing, but I know it would be a big mistake to dive into that headfirst, so maybe I’ll build up my stamina in something low-impact like SoulCycle (which I don’t love, but I also don’t hate). I will do some research, and keep you all posted. :)

Get some sleep, for real this time.

I don’t want to sound like a broken record, so I’ll keep it short. To be the best you possible each and every day, a full 7-9 hours of some pillow time is necessary. Nuff said.

Be brave.

This coming fall I’m going to embark on a crazy, exciting journey for the next four years of my life in Boston. It’s a little nerve-wracking to think about living on the opposite coast of my family in an unfamiliar city, but I am psyched to leave the wonderful, vibrant, busy LA bubble I am lucky to call my home to see what’s out there. I anticipate a disorienting adjustment period ahead of me, but I know that the community I’ve chosen to be a part will support me as I navigate the new and thrilling opportunities that lie ahead.

What Hannah has learned this past year—

Nights-in are essential.

Yes, it's great to say yes to new opportunities and fill up your free time with fun activities with friends, but sometimes after a busy week, those plans you made on Tuesday don't seem as fun anymore. This year, I've found myself getting easily drained from back to back activities and schoolwork. When I feel drained, the only reason I decide to still leave the house is because I feel bad about cancelling plans, especially when I haven't spent time with a friend in a while. This year, I've finally learned that sometimes, cancelling a night out is essential to taking care of yourself. As Emma said, self-care is SO IMPORTANT. Don't say yes to plans just because someone wants to see you. You can catch up with them once you've recharged and are ready to have fun!

Positivity and kindness are key.

Go out of your way to make someone smile every once in a while. I've become a big fan of random acts of kindness this year; whether it's buying coffee for a friend who has a big test that day, or complementing a stranger's makeup. Not only does it make that person feel happy, but it makes you feel good knowing that you've had a positive impact on their day, even if it's just from one small interaction.

When in doubt... write it out!

I started journaling halfway through 2017, and now I'm never going back! I know some people may think it's a pain, but you don't have to write everyday. Whenever you have a lot on your mind, write it all out and get your thoughts on the page, even if you're thinking about seven things at once. It's so nice to see your thoughts written out in front of you and clear your mind. When you have a really good day, or a really bad day, write out how you're feeling and why (if you even know). Looking back on those journals in the future gives you a sense of how you've grown since then, and can take you back to how you really felt in that very moment so you can never forget that experience. Even doodling, writing out your schedule, or random ideas for a new tv show helps you to clear your mind and relax. I can't tell you how much this has helped me in 2017, and I never plan on stopping.

Hannah's dreams and goals for the New Year—

Cut down on all the Netflix binge-watching.

If you know me, you know I spend a lot of my time watching Netflix instead of doing college applications or studying for a test. This is definitely a habit I want to leave in 2017. My goal is to finish my all my work first, and then instead of watching Netflix, I want to listen to audiobooks (conquering two resolutions in one swoop!). I'm going to try to save the Netflix watching for the weekends :)

Spend money WISELY.

In 2018, I'm going to become a college student, which means I'm going to have to learn how to spend my money more wisely. I don't always need a $15 dollar Chinese chicken salad from Joan's on 3rd, or to purchase Glossier's newest and trendiest product when it comes out. I want to learn how to manage my money efficiently while still having some room for fun experiences and new products.

Spend more time outside.

I won't be living in LA for that much longer because of college, so I want to soak up the sun as much as possible while I can! Usually after I come home from school, I drop my backpack and jump onto my bed to end a long day. Instead, I want to instinctively spend sunny afternoons in my backyard, instead of tucked away in my room. I also want to take part in an outdoor activity at least once a week, like going on a hike, having a picnic, or going to the beach.

This picture was taken on New Year's Eve last year! It's so cool to see how much we've grown in such a short amount of time. We both can't wait to see where this year takes us (and the blog for that matter), especially since so many new life experiences come with moving away from home and attending college. So happy new year everyone! We hope your 2018 is filled with great memories and lots of growth.

Lots of love,

Emma and Hannah

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