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Smoothies have always been my weapon of choice to fight off the morning slump. Recently, I've been trying to switch things up with a little bit of matcha in the mix. I love a superfood that is both an energy-boosting superhero and also pretty to look at. :) But really, matcha has SOOO many benefits like boosting your metabolism, enhancing your mood, keeping your skin looking radiant, and it even prevents certain kinds of cancer. Tell me that it isn't pretty amazing that all of that and more is in a simple cup of tea? When I'm not drinking matcha the traditional way, I like to experiment by putting it in other foods like smoothies. Matcha mixed with turmeric, (another butt-kicking ingredient that comes with a zillion benefits), in this smoothie makes it my new favorite and much healthier way to boost my energy in the morning sans coffee. Scroll on for the recipe. :)

Gather up all of your ingredients and throw them in a blender. Press mix and then you're done!

It really doesn't get easier. Now here's the recipe.


1 cup of vanilla almond milk

1 container of greek yogurt

1/2 a frozen banana

1/2 teaspoon of turmeric

2 tablespoons of matcha powder

2 frozen ginger cubes (you could always grate 2 teaspoons of fresh ginger instead)

Agave to taste


1. Mix all of the listed ingredients in a blender, but hold off on the agave.

2. Add the agave to taste after blending the rest of the ingredients.

3. Store in an airtight container or jars in the fridge for up to 5 days.

Recipe makes 2 servings.

With this smoothie my mornings are 1000x more relaxing thanks to matcha's zen calming magic. I love the way that the earthy flavor of the matcha mixes with the bit of bitterness from the turmeric, while the touch of sweetness from the vanilla almond milk balances it all out. This smoothie is delicious, filling, and of course, energy-boosting. Mornings = conquered. :)



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