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Lionel Richie immortalized the true spirit of everyone's favorite day of the week with the lyric, "I'm easy like Sunday morning." I really couldn't have said it better myself! Sunday is the designated day for resting and recharging before a busy week ahead. Sometimes this means rolling out of bed at a slightly embarrassing hour and then realizing that you're not sure whether you should make yourself breakfast or skip it and go straight to lunch. Well, I have a solution for you late sleepers! The humble breakfast taco is the unsung hero of the a little-past-brunching-hour times of day. This dish also puts the "easy" in "easy like Sunday morning." Read on to see how it's done!

Gather your ingredients.

Whisk 2 eggs in a small bowl with your seasonings, mashed avocado, and bits of cream cheese.

In a small pan, warm up two mini tortillas on low heat.

Heat up an olive oil coated medium pan on medium-low heat and then pour in your egg mixture. Once your eggs are in the pan they're going to start cooking fast, so let them sit for only about 30 seconds before stirring them around constantly. You're looking for light and fluffy eggs, so only keep them on the heat for about a minute and then turn the stove off.

Take your mini tortillas off the heat and put them on a plate to the side. Then quickly get your eggs and distribute them equally into each taco. Top each taco with some cheese, a small slice of avocado, and a sprinkle of harissa/paprika (or any other spice you enjoy). Serve immediately and enjoy!


For the eggs -

2 eggs

1/2 teaspoon of mashed avocado

3/4 teaspoon of cream cheese

1/8 teaspoon garlic powder

Salt and pepper to taste

1/2 tablespoon of olive oil (for the pan)

For the tacos -

2 street taco tortillas

A sprinkle of 4 cheese Mexican blend and harissa/paprika for garnish


1. Crack two eggs into a small bowl and whisk them completely. Add in the garlic powder, salt, and pepper.

2. Take half of an avocado and mash it with a fork in a small bowl. While you're cutting the avocado make sure to leave two mini slices on the side for garnish.

3. Add 1/2 a teaspoon of the avocado mash into the egg mixture along with 3/4 a teaspoon of cream cheese. Make sure to break up the cream cheese into smaller pieces with your whisk when you combine all of the ingredients.

4. Grab a small pan and warm up two mini tortillas on low heat.

5. While the tortillas are warming up, take out a medium pan, turn the stove to medium heat, and then swirl around some olive oil in the pan to coat the whole bottom.

6. Add your egg, avocado, and cream cheese mixture into the pan. Let the eggs sit for about 30 seconds, and then begin stirring them around. Stir the eggs until they appear to be light and fluffy (no golden brown crispy edges in sight), and then turn off the heat. Continue stirring the eggs for about 15 seconds and then briefly set them aside.

7. Quickly turn off the heat on the tortillas and use a spatula to put them on a plate.

8. Spoon the hot eggs equally into each of the mini tacos.

9. Sprinkle on some cheese, top them off with an avocado slice, and then finish it all off with a nice sprinkle of some harissa/paprika.

By the length of the directions list, this recipe probably looks like it takes ten years to make, but in reality it only takes about 10 minutes. These tacos are perfect for lazy Sundays when you don't feel like putting in any effort, but I also love to make them for myself after an intense workout (carbs and protein for the win)! Funny enough, one of my really good friends named Emily introduced me to the beauty of breakfast tacos after a grueling spin class, and since then nothing will ever be the same. :) I hope you all have a lovely rest of your Sunday, and if you just woke up then consider breakfast/lunch served. ;)



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